Vol. 47 No. 2 (2018)
Types and peculiarities of home furniture of the Kazakh people
Views: 290 / PDF downloads: 426 -
Peculiarities of the people's artistic culture in the modern educational space
Views: 75 / PDF downloads: 52 -
Бакалаврларды геометриялық-графикалық даярлауда сызба геометрия пәнінің маңызы мен қазіргі жағдайы
Views: 93 / PDF downloads: 91 -
On the role of drawing geometry in the training of technical specialists
Views: 63 / PDF downloads: 49 -
The state and importance of discipline Descriptive geometry in geometric-graphic preparation of bachelors
Views: 54 / PDF downloads: 31 -
Design-design in a bionic style with the purpose of solving human needs through the prism of innovation
Views: 55 / PDF downloads: 54