Game characters as a narrative tool: an analysis of the influence of visual design on the development of the storyline in the game

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  • Aisha Toksanbayeva Eurasian National University named after L. N. Gumilyov


game character, design, concept, visual, narrative, storytelling, psychology, emotionality, plot, trend.


The article considers the relevance of presenting the visual design of game characters through the narrative activity of the game, the development of the storyline and close communication with players. Analysing current trends and technological advances, realistic and emotionally expressive character design shows how you deepen your connection with the player. Explores the growing importance of inclusivity and cultural representation in character design, working to explore the appeal of game narrative and the impact on the marketing sphere. Using examples of popular game cases, the power of brand and narrative role shows their impact on recall and success, proving the importance of visual character design not only as additional factors, but also as a primary driver of engaging and engaging narrative in modern video games.



How to Cite

Toksanbayeva А. . (2024). Game characters as a narrative tool: an analysis of the influence of visual design on the development of the storyline in the game. Рroblems of Engineering and Professional Education, 73(2), 57–66. Retrieved from


