Optimization of heat supply for production facilities for building materials, products and structures

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  • Bekzat Abishev Eurasian National University named after L. N. Gumilyov




heat supply optimization, combined heat supply, autonomous regulation


At present, about a thousand small and large enterprises for the production of
building materials, products and structures are operating in Kazakhstan, and all of them
are faced with the main problem, this is optimization of heat supply in the production
hall or premises during the cold period of the year. In the absence of a comfortable
temperature, the productivity drops by 10-15 percent as the classic ribbed heating pipes
can not completely compensate for the lost heat at forty degree frost. To solve this problem, it is necessary to rationally organize heat supply, use combined heat supply,
obtain cheaper heat of high potential and provide devices for autonomous regulation of
coolant parameters with economic expediency. This article shows the results of research
on the use of equipment necessary to optimize the heat supply of the production
facilities for building materials, products and structures. 



How to Cite

Abishev, B. (2023). Optimization of heat supply for production facilities for building materials, products and structures. Рroblems of Engineering and Professional Education, 44(5), 7–12. https://doi.org/10.32523/2220-685X-2017-44-5-7-12


