Cultural Landscape Identification, Review and Assessment: The Case of Ghadames

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  • Amer Rghei American university of Ras Al Khaimah United Arab Emirates



Cultural Landscapes, Sahara, Ancient Oasis, Ghadames, World Heritage Sites, HeritagePlanning


The Cultural Landscape of Ghadamesis one of the most attractive heritage site in the world. The author has discovered lots of heritage valuessuch as its exceptional urban fabric and impressive architectural character of its interior spaces.The entire urban structures are shaded and surrounded by its bountiful gardens. Despite the richness of Ghadames with historic significance, it is found that at the present time, Ghadames city, the UNESCO World Heritage Site, is facing serious challenges including the abandonment by its tenants and inclusive negligence by its officials. The author however, believes that Ghadames can illustrate an excellent heritage example in the Middle East for its cultural pride and socio-economic opportunities that can contribute to overall economic development for its people in the Sahara region. However, the paper deals with the case of Ghadames “The World Heritage Site” in Libya, North Africa and discusses the current challenges and possible planning for its heritage conservation strategy.



How to Cite

Rghei, A. (2023). Cultural Landscape Identification, Review and Assessment: The Case of Ghadames. Рroblems of Engineering and Professional Education, 42(3), 3–10.


